In the News
RH&A hosts fourth annual healthcare reform seminar for business owners
To combat the growing needs and concerns of our business owning clients, Robert Hensley & Associates hosted its fourth annual healthcare reform seminar in Farmington. Attorney Robert Noonan was the guest speaker for the meeting and covered all of the latest rules, penalties and planning strategies for 2015 and beyond.
“As an employee benefits client of Robert Hensley & Associates, we want you to know everything that there is to know about upcoming changes in the market. And Healthcare Reform is a major change that we are very conscious of, and want our clients to feel comfortable with them” said Robert Hensley, managing partner at the firm.
Attorney Robert Noonan has been asked back every year as the lead guest lecturer due to his expertise on the topic and has garnered great feedback. The focus of this year’s meeting covered:
- New Developments under the ACA
- Measuring employee hours
- Calculation of penalties
- Reporting forms and requirements
- New laws affecting the workplace
Make sure to visit us back here often to stay updated on the latest on this topic and we look forward to continuing this service offering for all of our employee benefits clients and business owners.